

2024 Equity & Inclusion Fellowship Undergraduate Recipients

The new Equity & Inclusion Undergraduate Fellowship program introduces the field of public policy to undergraduates who might not otherwise be familiar with it, as well as increases the pipeline of diverse students into APPAM institutional member graduate public policy and public affairs schools. The recipients will be recognized for their accomplishments and will also have opportunities to formally network with each other, Student Equity and Inclusion Fellowship Recipients and with members of the Policy Council and Diversity Committee. They will also have many opportunities to informally network with other students and professionals during the conference.

Congratulations to the 2024 Equity & Inclusion Undergraduate Fellowship recipients!

DeVoni Gale, New York University

Rainu George, Syracuse University

Jerome Hamilton Jr., Michigan State University

Eduardo Linardi, University of Florida

Emmanuella Osei, University of Maryland Baltimore County


DeVoni Gale

DeVoni_GaleHi everyone, I'm DeVoni Gale representing the DMV area! I'm a third-year undergrad student at New York University majoring in public policy and minoring in Africana Studies. I've been passionate about policy for the past three years, my most focused sectors of policy is: women's health, education, bettering low-income communities, prison reform, housing and many more! I plan on working on The Hill once graduating and going to law school so I can become the first lawyer in my family. Outside of policy, I love spending time with my loved ones, going shopping, getting pampered, and keeping up with Love Island! I'm so eager to see what I and others fascinated with policy will bring to the future for our younger generations.

Rainu George​

Rainu_GeorgeRainu George is a senior at Syracuse University studying Political Science, Policy Studies and Classics with Latin Emphasis in the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs. Her research lies in economics policies, which she spent her previous semester in Madrid, Spain, conducting ethnographic research on the impact of international remittance on the Gender Development Index in South Asian and Arab Communities, as well as the role of domestic care workers in migrant communities in Madrid. For the research conference, she is most looking forward to learning about effective policy designs and implementations, as the U.S. demands a robust and nuanced understanding of the interplay between federal, state, and local governments. 

On campus, Rainu serves as the Vice President for the NAACP Chapter and was the Head Opinion Editor of the Daily Orange Newspaper. Rainu’s policy interest also extends to criminal justice policy, where she had previously interned with the Chicago Justice Project and shadowed a criminal defense attorney in Kerala, India. In the future, she plans on attending law school to pursue a career in public interest law or international human rights law.

Jerome Hamilton Jr​.

Jerome_Hamilton_JrBorn and raised in Baltimore, Maryland, Jerome studies political science with a minor in environmental social science. With a passion for democratizing natural resources, Jerome aspires to have a career in advocacy and politics. His current research in collaboration with the Michigan Department of Natural Resources aims to diversify outdoor recreation access in Michigan, and has shared his work at the National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR). Jerome has also pursued internships with the state and federal government at the Executive Office of Governor Gretchen Whitmer and the United States Forest Service. He plans to continue his education and refine his policymaking skills by pursuing master’s degrees in public policy and environmental studies. In his free time, he enjoys running, playing basketball, stargazing, and watching sports with his friends.

Eduardo Linardi

Eduardo_LinardiEduardo Linardi is a junior at the University of Florida, majoring in International Studies with a concentration in Latin America and the Caribbean. Mr. Linardi is passionate about government, public policy, and international relations because of the field’s potential to create positive change. Throughout his undergraduate career, he has focused on expanding his knowledge and making an impact on these topics by interning at various organizations, such as the Partnership for Public Service, The Kennedy Center, and NBC. Mr. Linardi is also a recipient of the 2024 Obama-Chesky Voyager Scholarship for Public Service, which will provide financial aid for his final years in college and funding for a “Summer Voyage.” In the future, he hopes to continue to effect change in the public sphere by advocating for meaningful policy change at the federal and state levels, with special attention to climate and economic policy.

Emmanuella Osei​

Emmanuella_OseiEmmanuella Osei is a junior at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC), pursuing majors in Public Health and Sociology, along with a certificate in the Social Dimensions of Health. At UMBC, she is an active member of the Honors College, the Sondheim Public Affairs Scholars Program, and the McNair Scholars Program. Emmanuella also serves as an Academic Peer Advocate and as President of the Public Health Council of Majors. She is passionate about health equity, public service, and social justice, and has gained valuable experience through volunteering, working with non-profits, and conducting research.

This past summer, Emmanuella participated in the Summer Research Opportunity Program (SROP) at the University of Michigan, where her research focused on access to long COVID care. She has also been awarded the UMBC undergraduate research award to continue her research on food insecurity among college students. Furthermore, Emmanuella is a proud immigrant from Ghana who values her faith. She loves Ghanaian food, attending cultural events, spending time with friends and family, and going to gospel concerts!

