
Committee of Institutional Representatives

2017 Strategic Plan for Institutional Representatives

During the March 2017 APPAM Institutional Representatives Committee meeting, the strategic plan was discussed with the Executive Council, the Policy Council, and the Institutional Representatives. Several suggestions for revision and improvement were made to the plan for consideration and vote. The Institutional Represenatives voted to approve the plan, which will guide the work of the Institutional Representative for the next 5 years.  The plan can be reviewed here

Procedures of the APPAM Committee of Institutional Representatives

*updated July 2013 after the membership voted to change the size and composition of the Policy Council.*

I. Purpose of the Committee.

The APPAM Committee of Institutional Representatives serves as a body to share information among the institutional members of APPAM, communicate their concerns and interests to other leadership in APPAM, and as a means by which the institutional members may contribute to the association’s mission.

II. Membership of the Committee.

The committee shall consist of the appointed representatives of the institutional members of the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management, as per the following definitions and manner of appointment.

A. Definition of Institutional Member.

APPAM defines an "institutional member" to be an entire organization, not any specific unit within an organization that might pay the annual institutional dues. Multiple units within an organization may share the dues payment for the organization and each unit may name its own representative, and have separate listings in the APPAM institutional membership directory.

B. Appointment of an Institutional Representative.

The institutional representative shall be appointed by the "head of program," the senior executive of a unit at the institutional member responsible for paying some or all of the annual institutional membership dues of the organization. The head of program is designated by the institution, not by APPAM. The institutional representative may be the same person as the head of program. The term of service is indefinite, and the representative may be replaced at any time.

C. Substitute Representatives and Proxies.

The head of program may designate a substitute to attend a meeting in person when the usual representative is not able to attend. The substitute may vote on certain matters unless otherwise restricted by procedures. The head of program may determine whether the substitute is free to vote without consultation or to vote as instructed by the head of program.

III. Officers of the Committee.

The officers of the Committee of Institutional Representatives are the chair, the vice-chair, and the secretary. The duties and manner of election of the officers are as specified below.

A. Powers and Responsibilities.

The Institutional Representatives chair is responsible for determining the agendas of meetings in consultation with the representatives, chairing all meetings, and acting on behalf of the representatives between meetings. As per the APPAM bylaws, the chair is a voting member of the association’s Policy Council and the Executive Committee. The vice-chair shall fulfill the duties of chair should the chair be unavailable to perform those duties, but the vice-chair cannot vote on either the Policy Council or the Executive Committee. The secretary shall be responsible for keeping the minutes of all meetings and certifying the results of decisions and elections made by formal ballot or vote.

B. Leadership Positions and Terms.

The term of each position is two years to commence upon election or until a successor is elected upon the expiration of a term of two years. There are no restrictions on the number of terms a person may serve in any of these positions.

C. Election Procedures.

As necessary, the Institutional Representatives chair will appoint a three-person nominating committee to nominate persons for open officer positions. The Procedures of the APPAM Institutional Representatives committee is not required to nominate more than one person for each open position. After reporting its nominations, the institutional representatives shall meet to consider the nominees. The institutional representatives have the option of nominating additional persons. If there are no additional nominees and a position is not contested, the institutional representatives may vote at their meeting to elect an officer. If a position is contested, the institutional representative will vote by email ballot and the winner shall be the person with the most votes. Substitute representatives may vote in person in this election but not by email.

D. Vacancies of Office.

Should the position of chair become vacant prior to the end of a regular term, the vice-chair shall assume the position of chair and the Institutional Representatives will elect a new vice chair using the regular procedures. Should any other office become vacant prior to the end of a regular term, the Institutional Representatives will elect another person to complete the term using the regular procedures.

IV. Manner of Acting.

According to the following procedures, the Committee of Institutional Representatives shall meet and act as a committee.

A. Schedule of Meetings.

The Institutional Representatives shall meet as a committee at least two times per year.

B. Manner of Meeting.

The Institutional Representatives may meet in person and/or by telephone call.

C. Quorum.

A quorum for a meeting shall be regular or substitute representatives representing at least one-third (33 percent) of APPAM’s member institutions.

D. Authority to Act.

Provided a quorum is present, and the situation is not governed by procedures set forth elsewhere herein or in the APPAM bylaws, the Institutional Representatives gathered in committee may conduct all regular and special business before the committee on behalf of all the Institutional Representatives.

E. Voting.

When discussing matters informally or seeking a sense of opinion, every representative present at a meeting may cast a vote. When making formal decisions for the committee, each institutional member shall cast one vote. If there are representatives from several units from within an institutional member present at a meeting or otherwise voting, they must concur on casting a single vote on behalf of the institutional member.

F. Election of Persons to Serve on the APPAM Policy Council.

Beginning in 2013, the Committee of Institutional Representatives is authorized under the APPAM bylaws to elect one person annually to serve on the APPAM Policy Council, in addition to the chair. This election shall follow the following procedures.

Procedures of the APPAM Institutional Representatives

i. Each person elected to a seat on the Policy Council will be elected to a four-year term.

ii. The same person cannot simultaneously serve in any other capacity on the Policy Council and as a representative of the Committee of Institutional Representatives on the Policy Council.

iii. Should a person who was elected by the Committee of Institutional Representatives to serve on the Policy Council cease to be an institutional representative, that person immediately must vacate the seat on the Policy Council and the Chair of the Institutional Representatives will appoint a successor to fill out the term on the Policy Council.

iv. Solicitation of candidates will be done by email prior to the Fall Conference and a candidate(s) presented at the meeting at the Fall Conference. The institutional representatives have the option of nominating additional persons at their meeting. If there is no contest, the candidate will be elected automatically. If there is a contested election, the election will be held by email after the meeting and the winner will be the candidate with the most votes. The timing of the election will coincide with the election of the other Policy Council members. The term will officially begin in January and will run for 4 years.

v. Amendments to Procedures. To be approved, or amended following first approval, these procedures, or amendments to them, must receive the support of at least two-thirds of the institutional members of APPAM voting by mail or by electronic means provided that the identity of the voters may be confirmed and verified as authorized. Such votes shall be cast according to the procedures specified herein.
