Equity & Inclusion Student Fellowship 2016
In an effort to encourage participation by underrepresented students in APPAM and its activities, the Policy Council and APPAM’s Diversity Committee created the ‘APPAM Equity and Inclusion Fellowship’ in April 2016.

The fellowship supported the travel and participation of 25 students from traditionally underrepresented backgrounds at the 2016 APPAM Fall Research Conference, November 3 - 5, in Washington, D.C. While at the conference, the fellowship recipients had the opportunity to formally network with each other and with members of the Policy Council and Diversity Committee at a Fellowship Breakfast, recognizing them, their accomplishments and bright futures. They will also had many opportunities to informally network with other students and professionals during the conference. In 2016, the Diversity Committee received nearly 100 applications submitted by Master's and Ph.D. students from schools around the world. The goal of this fellowship program is to introduce recipients to the world of public policy and APPAM, and foster a lifelong affiliation and engagement with both.
The 2016 Fellowship Breakfast program started with a welcome from APPAM President, Ron Haskins, Brookings Institution, followed by the presentation of awards by APPAM Diversity Committee Chair, John Martinez, MDRC. Maya Shankar, a Senior Advisor at the White House, former Behavioral Science Advisor to the United Nations, and former post-doctoral fellow in cognitive neuroscience at Stanford University, delivered a keynote address on her experiences in the public policy field. Maya received her Ph.D. from Oxford University on a Rhodes Scholarship and a B.A. from Yale University.
The following individuals are the honored 2016 Equity and Inclusion Fellowship Recipients:
Sebawit Bishu
Florida International University
Ofronama Biu
The New School
Sade Bonilla
Stanford Graduate School of Education
Roger J. Chin
Claremont Graduate University
Caroline Dolce
SUNY Downstate School of Public Health
Marley Frazier
University of Texas at Austin, Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs
Matthew Gaskin
Texas A & M, The Bush School of Government and Public Service
Renada Goldberg
University of Minnesota
Lanikque Howard
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Ying Huang
University at Albany, State University of New York
Zoranna Jones
University of Texas at Arlington
Straso Jovanoski
Rutgers University, Camden
Amieris Lavender
Michigan State University
Zhanyl Moldalieva
United Nations University/Maastricht Graduate School of Governance
Sophie Morse
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
David Okereke
Rutgers University, Camden
Ashley Price
University of Missouri
Thalya Yanell Reyes
Rutgers University, Bloustein School
Tori Lynne Rockwell
University of Washington
Roman Ruiz
University of Pennsylvania
Nara Sainthil
Baruch College
Anthony Villarreal
San Diego State University
Lorin Washington
University of Texas - Arlington
Vaughn Williams
University of Michigan
Annia Yoshizumi
University of California Los Angeles Luskin School of Public Affairs