2021 Policy Practicum for Emerging Scholars
Thank you to everyone who joined us on November 12 for our Policy Practicum! Information to access recorded sessions will be sent to members and registrants soon.
Join APPAM for a virtual day of policy on Friday, November 12, 2021! Geared toward students and scholars on the job market, experts from academia, industry and government will lead sessions on a variety of relevant topics such as technology, the job application and hiring process, journal submissions and more. With the #2021APPAM Fall Research Conference moved to March 27-29, 2022, APPAM is excited to provide quality content virtually in the meantime. View session descriptions and registration information below.
Friday, November 12
Times listed are in U.S. Eastern time
11:00 am – 12:00 pm
Session 1: Measuring and Learning from Policies: Your PhD is a Great Toolkit in the Evaluation Professional World
The field of evaluation has gained independence and relevance as a discipline that benefits from graduate training but also from real-world experience to improve policies and programs. In the context of increasing pressure on the U.S. academic job market, careers in evaluation in the non-academic sector seems to be a path of professional development for PD graduates with interest in policy betterment. In this session, participants will share their insights on the methodological approaches they follow in evaluation work, the type of programs they assess, and what are the main skills policy evaluators require to succeed in these careers.
Moderator: Carlos Echeverria-Estrada, NORC at the University of Chicago
​Session 2: Post-COVID and New Directions in Public Policy and Administration Research
The Covid-19 pandemic unleashed significant challenges on society, such as disruption of business and educational activities. At the same time, the pandemic brought attention to or amplified several opportunities that were hitherto less known or unknown. Within the academe, for instance, the pandemic highlighted potential public policy and administration research areas. One of such areas is the relationship between science and politics. This emerged from the conflict between politicians and scientists in finding common ground to take steps to address the pandemic. Another area that the pandemic emphasized was social equity, where we observed an imbalanced impact of the scourge on minority groups. While the Covid-19 vaccine is an important step in tackling the pandemic, these areas might continue to engage the attention of scholars in the coming years. This panel seeks to deeply engage the diverse sorts of public policy and administration research areas that are emerging from the pandemic and how young scholars can leverage the opportunities to advance their research.
Moderator: Alex Osei-Kojo, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
- Ana-Maria Dimand, Boise State University
- Sean McCandless, University of Illinois, Springfield
- Cullen C. Merritt, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis
- Kristin Olofsson, Oklahoma State University
The following sessions will run concurrently. Both sessions will be recorded.
12:15 pm – 1:15 pm
Session 1: Technology and Data Oriented Non-Academic Careers: Data Science and User Experience (UI) and User Interface (UX) Research
Recent pressure on the academic job market, exacerbated by COVID-19 has pushed many PhD graduates in the policy sciences to pursue non-academic employment. This is part of a longer trend of PhD holders seeking non-academic work for greater autonomy, compensation, and other personal benefits. This panel will combine perspectives from recent PhD graduates who have transitioned to non-academic work in the technology and data sector, broadly conceived. The panel will provide insights for both quantitative methodologists, with a focus on data science, and qualitative/ mixed method methodologists, with a focus on user experience (UI)/user interface (UX) research.
Moderator: Philip Gigliotti, DataGen Healthcare Analytics
Session 2: Navigating Bias in the Academies
Higher education plays an important role in creating knowledge and helping individuals advance their careers, but still faces a plethora of issues that disadvantages certain groups. There are strategies scholars have taken and researched to aid in navigating bias in academia ranging from strategic citation practices and teacher evaluation tools to creating a more collaborative environment. This panel will combine perspectives from academics across different backgrounds and positions about how young scholars can become more aware of this important issue and improve their work environments.
Moderator: Ashlee Frandell, Arizona State University
1:30 pm - 2:30 pm: Market Yourself -- Tips from the Hiring Folks
The following sessions will run concurrently. All three sessions will be recorded.
Back by popular demand, students may choose to join one of three concurrent sessions on tips about how to market yourself. Sessions will take a specific industry point of view. Topics include resumes, job documents, how to find jobs, buzz words to use, negotiating tips, interview techniques and more from industry experts. Although you must choose one live session to join, the others will be recorded and made available after.
Session 1: Federal Government
Moderator: Erika Liliedahl, Office of Management and Budget, Executive Office of the President
- Amanda Coleman, Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation, Health and Human Services
- Susan Jenkins, Office of Performance and Evaluation, Health and Human Services
- Mary Clair Turner, Office of Evaluation Sciences, General Services Administration
Session 2: Non-Academic/Non-Governmental Organization (NGO)
Moderator: Abdoulaye Ba, Carnegie Mellon University graduate and past APPAM Equity & Inclusion fellow
Session 3: Academic
Moderator: Lam Pham, North Carolina State University
2:45 pm – 3:45 pm: Journal Talk
Join a panel with journal editors and learn what they look for in a published piece. Learn what happens behind the scenes after submitting a paper, including who first reviews it, questions to ask your mentors, reasons a paper gets rejected and more insider tips. Get familiar with how review works, normal timelines to expect and a step-by-step guide of the submission process.
Moderator: Erdal Tekin, American University & Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Policy Analysis and Management (JPAM)
- Thomas Buchmueller, University of Michigan & Editor-in-Chief of the American Journal of Health Economics (AJHE)
- Stacy Dickert-Conlin, Michigan State University & Editor of the National Tax Journal (NTJ)
- Catherine Maclean, Temple University & Co-Editor of the Journal of Policy Analysis and Management (JPAM)
4:00 pm – 5:00 pm: Happy Hour with the Experts
The happy hour will provide an opportunity for an open forum with policy professionals and to ask your most pressing questions. Experts will rotate through various breakout rooms so that participants can hear from several experts from different types of organizational backgrounds (academics, practitioners, and government employees).
- Anjali Adukia, University of Chicago
- Josh Goodman, Boston University
- Calonie Gray, Health and Human Services, Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation
- Kirk Heffelmire, Internal Revenue Service
- Brittany Keegan, Virginia Commonwealth University
- Perri Leviss, University of Rhode Island
- John Martinez, MDRC & APPAM President-Elect
- Diana McCallum, Mathematica
- Lam Pham, North Carolina State University
- Stephanie Potochnick, University of North Carolina, Charlotte
- Joaquin Rubalcaba, University of North Carolina
- David Yokum, The Policy Lab at Brown University
Positions in Policy is closed and will return at the in-person conference in March 2022 in Austin, Texas. Please stay tuned for more information in early 2022.
APPAM was pleased to host Positions in Policy (PIP) virtually this past fall. APPAM gathered job seeker information and resumes throughout the month of October and shared a biweekly contact list with interested employers.
What's so special about this program? PIP has a unique matching style. As a job seeker, your resume was put directly in front of employers based on specialized criteria from your resume and the company. The employers posted open positions on APPAM’s Career Connections page and used the job seeker contact list to narrow their candidate search. This opportunity is at the top of the list of APPAM membership benefits.
Employers posted open positions to Career Connections and used the job seeker contact list to help narrow their search. This list was updated and shared biweekly throughout the month of October 2021.
Interview Space: Employers were responsible for scheduling and conducting interviews using their own virtual platforms in the fall.
Fee: This is a complimentary service for active APPAM institutional members and $250 for non-institutional members. If you have questions about the March 2022 Positions in Policy program, please email info@appam.org.
Job Seekers:
Tired of uploading your resume to a website and feeling like it’s being lost in the void? When you participate in PIP, your contact information, areas of interest, and resume will be put directly in front of employers with open positions to give you a leg up amongst other job seekers and resumes floating around the internet. APPAM shared updated job seeker contact lists with interested employers throughout the month of October then employers reached out directly to coordinate virtual interviews.
Fee: This was a complimentary service for active APPAM members. If you’re not an APPAM member and wish to participate, please join now or contact membership@appam.org. If you’re unable to become a member at this time but want to share your resume, you can upload it to APPAM Career Connections resume bank free-of-charge. However, your contact information will not be included in the biweekly job seeker contact list.
If you have questions about the March 2022 Positions in Policy program, please email info@appam.org.
Post your job to APPAM Career Connections for a chance to be featured on the website or social media.
Director/Clinical Faculty Position
New York University Arts & Sciences
The Program in International Relations at New York University invites applications for a full time Clinical Professor (rank open) and Director of the master’s program at the NYU-New York campus. The appointment would begin on September 1, 2022, pending administrative and budgetary approval. The successful applicant will hold a Ph.D. or similar advanced degree in a field related to international affairs, such as economics, history, journalism, law, political science, public policy, or sociology.
Responsibilities will include graduate teaching, advising MA students, supervising faculty who teach in the program, and administering all aspects of a program that cultivates interdisciplinary approaches alongside its foundational strengths in policy studies. Priority will be given to applicants who demonstrate experience in the running of academic programs or who have significant prior administrative experience. Professional experience in international affairs is desirable.
Review of applications will begin January 17, 2022, and will continue until the position is filled.