Fall Research Conference


2017 Caucus


2017 Fall Research Conference Caucus

We are now accepting proposals for caucus sessions at the 2017 APPAM Fall Research Conference. Details on submission requirements and process are listed below. Submissions will be accepted until September 8, 2017 and can be started here.

What is a Caucus?

A caucus session is meant to offer a dedicated time for participants to gather informally to discuss new and emerging policy issues, to formulate new research questions, approaches to research and to form possible research collaborations. Each caucus is meant to prompt informal discussions on an emerging policy or management topic and is led by a moderator. These open discussions are designed to center around evolving research topics and invite feedback, questions, and promote discourse. A caucus is not an opportunity to solicit feedback on a specific paper or study. Rather, a caucus is meant to determine interest in an emerging policy or management area, and to learn from attendees how that issue is being addressed by the community, what work is already being done, and what work would be of value in the future. Additionally, a caucus can serve as an opportunity to discuss a specific dataset and its uses and relevance, or evaluate a specific government or institutional program.

Caucus moderators are to focus on a broad topic and guide the discussion of attendees. Moderators should not spend more than 10-12 minutes introducing the topic and should not present research or written work. Moderators should invite questions and differing perspectives but not allow any one perspective or person to dominate the conversation.

Caucuses during the 2017 Fall Research Conference will take place during breakfast on Saturday, November 4th. Each caucus will take place at a table outfitted with 10 chairs in a large room with several other tables/caucuses occurring simultaneously. 

Submitting a Caucus

We’re now accepting submissions for caucus sessions at the 2017 APPAM Fall Research Conference. To submit a caucus, you will be asked to include the following elements:

  • Caucus Title
  • Benefits to Conference Attendees
  • Expected Caucus Focus
  • Intended Audience
  • How is the Caucus Cutting Edge?

All notifications for caucuses will be sent in late September.
