Information for Students
Whether you're studying at the graduate level or just beginning your education, we're excited to welcome all students to #2024APPAM! Check out the information and resources below to make the most of your conference visit. Plus, look for APPAM Student Ambassadors to answer your questions and help you navigate the conference.
Wednesday, November 20
First Timers Session
5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Potomac Ballroom CD - Ballroom Level
Thursday, November 21
PD Session 1: Navigating the Mid-Career Job Market
3:30 pm - 5:00 pm
Potomac 6 - Ballroom Level
Friday, November 22
Career & PhD Program Fair
1:00pm - 3:00pm
Potomac Ballroom CD - Ballroom Level
Student Seminar (RSVP required)
1:00pm - 5:00pm
Potomac Ballroom 1-3 - Ballroom Level
PD Session 2: Meet the Editors
1:45pm - 3:15pm
Potomac 6 - Ballroom Level
Student Mixer
6:30pm - 7:30pm
Potomac 1-3 - Ballroom Level
Speed Mentoring (Invite only)
7:00pm - 8:30pm
Potomac C - Ballroom Level
Saturday, November 23
PD Session 3: Methods and Resources
1:45pm - 3:15pm
Potomac 6 - Ballroom Level
*There's a lot of exciting events and offerings at #2024APPAM - such as exhibits, headshot lounge, special meet & greets and networking events, APPAM Communities, poster events, and receptions! Check out the Online Program & the conference mobile app to plan your schedule & make the most out of your conference experience!

Friday, November 22
Potomac 1-3 - Ballroom Level
Undergraduate and Master's students are invited to join us for an afternoon of programming. This 3-hour seminar will kick off with a one-hour career panel over lunch, break for the Career & PhD Program Fair, then come back together for two-hours of table discussions & resume review. All Undergraduate and Master's students are invited to attend, but lunch space is limited & a separate RSVP is required.
1:00pm - 2:00pm - Career Policy Panel Lunch featuring:
2:00pm - 3:00pm - Break for Career & PhD Program Fair
3:00pm - 5:00pm - Table Discussions & Resume Review
Check the Online Program for the most up-to-date speakers and availability.
Thank you to our seminar partial sponsors!

Learn more about degree paths in public policy with our guide.
The Student Hub is a popular lounge area for students to recharge between sessions and get to know each other. Plus, for the first time this year, Student Ambassadors will host two exclusive Ignite chats addressing popular topics for students at all levels. The lounge is located just outside of the APPAM Exhibit Hall, in the Potomac Ballroom Foyer on the Ballroom Level.
Thursday, November 21
Student Hub
8:00am - 5:00pm
Ignite Session: Staying Healthy in Graduate School
Ignite Session: Building and Maintaining Networks
Friday, November 22
Student Hub
8:00am - 6:30pm
Ignite Session: Masters Students in Public Policy
Ignite Session: Moving from Research Ideas to Dissertation Proposal
Saturday, November 23
Student Hub
8:00am - 12:00pm
Ignite Session: Choosing the Graduate Program that is the Best Fit
Ignite Session: How to Prepare for the Job Market
The APPAM Annual Fall Research Conference can be an overwhelming experience, particularly for first-time attendees and students who may not know how to make the most of their conference experience and the opportunities it offers. Our Student Ambassadors are here to make the annual meeting more approachable and provide a positive and welcoming experience for conference attendees.
Ambassadors are active student members that are highly knowledgeable about the association. They are willing to commit to volunteering: serve as panel chairs, serve as ignite session hosts, assist conference attendees, and serve and support the conference where needed.
Look out for Student Ambassadors at #2024APPAM!
For full information on the conference theme, schedule at a glance, and more, click here.
For full information on conference registration, travel, and hotels, click here.
Tips for Great Posts
- Post the image below to let everyone know you'll be attending!
- Use hashtag #2024APPAM to join the conversation around the conference.
- Represent your school by tagging it in your posts.
Social Media Graphics
Use the links below to download full size versions of the I'm Presenting image shown in the example post above:
1080 x 1080 - Square format. Best for profile pictures, Instagram, and X.
1600 x 900 - Landscape format. Best for cover photos, Facebook, and LinkedIn.
Before #2024APPAM, contact conferencesupport@appam.org. At the conference, stop by APPAM Central behind the registration counter in the center of the Exhibit Hall. The Exhibit Hall is located in Potomac Ballroom AB on the Ballroom Level.