#2024APPAM Single Paper Listing

Policymaking at the Federal, State, and Local Levels
November 21 - 23, 2024 | Gaylord National Resort | National Harbor, MD
As you are creating your submissions, we encourage you to check the Single Paper Listings below for papers that might work well with your proposal in order to submit a complete panel. While we still encourage individual paper submissions, complete panels - three or four papers along a common theme with a chair and discussant - have a much better chance of being accepted for the conference. If there is a paper in the listing in which you are interested, please contact the authors and see if they wish to have their work become part of your panel. All contact information is noted in the listing.
We hope this will encourage APPAM members and the public policy community at large to broaden their research networks and become familiar with their peers who are doing important work around the world.
Found papers you want to connect with? Reach out to the paper contact listed on the spreadsheet to confirm their interest. Once confirmed, all original paper submissions must be withdrawn from APPAM’s abstract management system so your new panel can be created from scratch.
- To submit a whole panel, you will need a panel title, a 100 - 500 word session abstract, one organizer, one chair, one to two discussants, and three to four panel papers.
- Then the individual panel papers will need a title, presenting author, contact person, and 100 - 500 word paper abstract.
The listings will be updated weekly until the submission deadline of April 17, 2024. There will be no extensions to the submission deadline. Please contact conferencesupport@appam.org with any questions.
Submissions are now closed.