Forging Collaborations for Transformative and
Resilient Policy Solutions
November 13 - 15, 2025 | Hyatt Regency | Grand Hyatt | Seattle, WA
Our 47th annual meeting, the 2025 APPAM Fall Research Conference, will be a multi-disciplinary research conference attracting the highest quality research on a wide variety of important current and emerging policy and management issues. The conference is comprised of special events, panels, cross-cutting and single track roundtables, workshops, and poster presentations and is designed to encourage substantive interaction among participants.
Back to the Main Conference Page
New this year, APPAM is using All Academic as our conference submission platform. All conference participants (presenting authors, co-authors, panel chairs, discussants, moderators, speakers and session organizers) will access the All Academic system using an APPAM MemberClicks login. Before you begin your submission, please make sure that everyone that is part of your submission has an APPAM MemberClicks account. You will not be able to add them to your paper or session if they don’t have an existing account. Memberclicks account information:
- Please check to see if you have a MemberClicks account here.
- You can request your username or reset your password if you do not remember them.
- Please check any emails that you have had professionally/academically in the past few years, as well as any personal emails.
- If you think you may have an account under an email address you no longer have access to, please contact membership@appam.org for to update your email/username. Please do not create a new/duplicate account. If you have never attended an APPAM event or do not have an APPAM profile, you can create one here.
- APPAM membership is optional and is not required to submit or attend the conference. If you wish to proceed as a complimentary non-member profile, please select “No, thank you” from the dropdown menu on the form.
- The APPAM MemberClicks form requires confidential personal information. Please do not create a profile on behalf of someone else.
- New MemberClicks accounts are synced with All Academic every hour. As such, we encourage submitters who create new accounts to do so well in advance of the submission deadline.
Submission Guides
Please use the submission guides and video tutorial below for information on submitting using the All Academic system:
Important Dates to Remember
Submissions open |
February 12 |
Submissions close |
April 23 at 11:59 PM PT |
APPAM Communities submissions open |
May 1 |
APPAM Communities submissions close |
June 26 |
Submissions will be accepted from 15 policy areas in the following types:
- Panel - Panels include a session organizer, chair, one to two discussants, and three to four papers. Panels with four papers are encouraged to have two discussants.
- Poster - Poster submissions are single paper proposals that are presented in a poster format. Presenters will be asked to discuss their work and answer questions during one of two poster sessions.
- Roundtable - Roundtables feature speakers who will discuss a topic from varying perspectives and draw the audience into a discussion on the topic. Roundtable proposals should include up to four speakers plus a moderator. The moderator cannot also be a speaker in the same session.
- Single Papers - Single papers are proposals that will later be combined with other single papers to be presented as cohesive panel sessions around a single topic. Read more about single papers below.
- Student Research - Submitted research must have been conducted by a student. Student research submissions will be combined to form a cohesive panel with four student research papers, a chair, and up to two discussants. Submitters must be students at the time of the conference.
- Workshops - Workshop proposals should be interdisciplinary, hands-on and interactive or focused on a special interest or skill training topic. Workshop proposals must include one moderator/facilitator and two to four speakers, and be 90 minutes long.
As you are creating your submissions, we encourage you to check the Single Paper Listings for papers that might work well with your proposal in order to submit a complete panel. While we still encourage individual paper submissions, complete panels - three or four papers along a common theme with a chair and discussant - have a much better chance of being accepted for the conference. Click the button below and scroll down to the Submitter Menu to browse single papers.

Does your submission include public or formerly public data that has been recently embargoed or taken offline due to funding cuts or changes in policy? Please consider referencing the data in your submission anyway, while reviewing your data use agreements and including an explanation for conference reviewers with as much information as you can provide. While we understand that you may not be able to furnish the full data or results, you may explain the questions, hypotheses, methods, and/or outcomes that are incorporated into your own research. Our reviewers will use their best judgement to make a determination based on that information.
Here are a few helpful tips:
Submissions that demonstrate diversity in terms of organizational affiliations, professional roles, race/ethnicity, content, author/participant backgrounds and/or ideology & methodology - through questionnaire answers - will be prioritized in the review process.
Individuals may only serve as a presenting author on two panels throughout the conference, though they may serve in other roles unlimited times.
Individuals may not serve as a chair or discussant for a panel on which they are also presenting a paper.
The final phase of the acceptance process will specifically entail vetting submissions for the aforementioned types of diversity and multidisciplinary perspectives
Fully formed panels have a higher acceptance rate. Single paper listings will be listed and updated weekly starting in late February.
Questions about the conference should continue to be directed to conferencesupport@appam.org.