Conferences and Events


#2024APPAM Sponsorship Specifications



2024 Sponsorship Specifications and Examples

Questions? Submit via email to Samantha Oliver Thomason,

Asset Collection Important Dates Sponsor Levels Online Program Ads
Registration Ads Ads Mobile App Ads Exhibits


Asset Collection

There are various sponsor assets that need to be collected from the three sponsor levels (Platinum, Gold, Silver) and our digital advertisers. Sponsor assets will be collected with this APPAM Sponsor Asset Collection Form. Please see below for the due dates and make sure your items are submitted on time. APPAM will reach out if additional information is required. 

Questions? Email

Important Dates

Sponsor Orders Open April 10
Lottery Closes for High-Demand Items April 12
Online Program Ads Due June 28*
Registration Ads Due July 8* Ads Due July 8*
Sponsorship Payments Due September 4
Early Bird Registration Ends September 12
Mobile Ads Due September 13
Sponsorship Spotlight Forms Due September 1
Regular Registration Ends  November 13
Exhibitor Deadlines

Booth Selection - Late August

Freight begins - TBD

Discount deadline - TBD

Freight ends - TBD

*The digital ad deadlines are flexible. Ad orders will be accepted on a rolling basis through the fall & ads will be made live approximately five business days after receiving the artwork.

Sponsor Levels

Platinum Sponsors:

  • Home Page Rotating Banner Ad in Online Program
  • Home Page Rotating Banner Ad in Mobile App
  • Half Tower Ad in Registration System
  • Single Exhibit Space 
    • More information in Exhibits section below
  • Six Complimentary Registrations
    • Registration discount code to be provided via email in late July
  • Opportunity to Send One Tweet During the Conference
    • Will be collected via email in the late summer
  • Opportunity to Provide Registration Area Materials
    • Information to be provided in late summer
  • Featured Profile in APPAM Sponsor Spotlight
    • Information collected via the Sponsor Asset Collection Form
  • Recognition throughout Signage, Mobile App, Programs, and Registration Area
    • Logo and website URL from your order form will be used. No further action required

Gold Sponsors:

  • Home Page Full Rotating Tower Ad in Online Program
  • Single Exhibit Space
    • More information in Exhibits section below
  • Four Complimentary Registrations
    • Registration discount code to be provided via email in late July
  • Opportunity to Provide Registration Area Materials
    • Information to be provided in late summer
  • Featured Profile in APPAM Sponsor Spotlight
    • Information collected via the Sponsor Asset Collection Form
  • Recognition throughout Signage, Mobile App, Programs, and Registration Area
    • Logo and website URL from your order form will be used. No further action required

Silver Sponsors:

  • Interior Page Banner Ad in Online Program
  • Two Complimentary Registrations
    • Registration discount code to be provided via email in late July
  • Opportunity to Provide Registration Area Materials
    • Information to be provided in late summer
  • Featured Profile in APPAM Sponsor Spotlight
    • Information collected via the Sponsor Asset Collection Form
    Recognition throughout Signage, Mobile App, Programs, and Registration Area
    • Logo and website URL from your order form will be used. No further action required

Online Program Ads

Due: June 28, or as soon as possible.

Ad layout: You can see examples of all ads throughout the 2022 Online Program and 2023 Online Program.


Banner Ads

These are horizontal ads that will run along the top of the page on a rotating basis. Each sponsor gets one ad placement per purchase and the ad section rotates evenly between all sponsors.

  • Link: These are clickable ads so please provide a redirect link
  • File: JPG, GIF, or PNG
  • Sizes:
    • Standard desktop display: 728X90 (horizontal format)
    • Mobile display: Confex will resize the banner so no alternative sizes needed
    • APPAM Example:



Tower Ads

These are vertical ads that will run along the right side of the page on a rotating basis. Each sponsor gets one ad placement per purchase and the ad section rotates evenly between all sponsors.           

  • Link: These are clickable ads so please provide a redirect link
  • File: JPG, GIF, or PNG
  • Sizes:
    • Standard desktop display: 160x600 (vertical format)
    • OPTIONAL mobile display: 728x90 (horizontal format)



Ad Placement

  • Home Page: These ads are on the home (landing) page of the Online Program. Since there are multiple ad spots for this page, the ads will rotate automatically between sponsors.

  • Policy Area: There’s one banner and one tower ad per policy area. The policy areas are reserved on a first come, first served basis. One of the most common ways our attendees browse the APPAM Online Program is by policy area - you can see the 2024 policy areas here.
  • Interior Pages: These ads are on all interior pages of the Online Program. Since there are multiple ad spots for this page, the ads will rotate automatically between sponsors. Interior pages include but are not limited to the following pages: Search, Log In FAQ, Browse by Session Type, Browse by Day, Participant Index, and Organization Index.

Registration Ads

Ads Due: July 8, or as soon as possible.

Half Tower Ad - One sponsor ad per registration form will appear along the right side of the form’s page, as shown below. The sponsor ads rotate with each page open or refresh. Below is an example from a previous conference. As a bonus, these ads are visible on APPAM membership & misc. event registration forms throughout the season as well.




Half Tower Registration Ad Specs: 

  • Link: These are clickable ads so please provide a redirect link
  • File: JPG or PNG
  • Size: 220 x 220 px 

Banner & Tower Registration Ads - NEW in 2024! There are two new horizontal ad spots on the APPAM conference registration page. As a bonus, these ads are visible on APPAM membership & misc. event registration forms throughout the season as well. The banner is circled in green and the footer is circled in yellow below.


Banner and Footer Registration Ad Specs: 

  • Link: These are clickable ads so please provide a redirect link
  • File: JPG or PNG
  • Size: 728x90 px Website Ads

Due: July 8, or as soon as possible.

Home Page Slideshow

Slideshow banner ads will run from September - November 2024 and it will be shared with APPAM content and up to three sponsor ads.

  • Link: These are clickable images so please provide a redirect link

  • File: JPG, GIF, or PNG

  • Size: Standard desktop display: 1800X650 (horizontal format)


Homepage Bottom Banner Ad

This horizontal ad will run along the bottom of the homepage on a rotating basis. Each sponsor gets one ad placement per purchase and the ad section rotates evenly between all sponsors.

  • Link: These are clickable ads so please provide a redirect link

  • File: JPG, GIF, or PNG

  • Size: Standard desktop display: 1200X240 (horizontal format)



Conference Page Left Rail

These vertical ads will appear along the side of the #2024APPAM pages on a rotating basis. Each sponsor gets one ad placement per purchase and the ad section rotates evenly between all sponsors.

  • Link: These are clickable ads so please provide a redirect link

  • File: JPG, GIF, or PNG

  • Size: Standard desktop display: 360X400 (vertical format)

Conference Page Left Rail Skyscraper

These vertical ads will appear along the side of the #2024APPAM pages on a rotating basis. Each sponsor gets one ad placement per purchase and the ad section rotates evenly between all sponsors.

  • Link: These are clickable ads so please provide a redirect link

  • File: JPG, GIF, or PNG

  • Size: Standard desktop display: 360X650 (vertical format)



Mobile App Ads

Due: September 13

Home Page Rotating Banner Ads

  • Redirect Link: The ads are clickable so please provide the desired URL
  • File Format: png or jpg
  • Size: 768w x 160h

  • Misc. Notes:
    • Ensure any text is legible when the image is viewed at half of its size (zoom out so the image is only 50% of its size - can you still read all the text?)
    • Avoid gradients so the graphic can blend into the background color of the ad space. You can pick that color on image upload for each graphic.


*Red circle = General mobile app sponsor ad that will be present at the top of every screen. This ad is created internally by APPAM and will include the mobile app sponsor logo and redirect link

*Green circle = Rotating mobile app banner ad that will be present at the top of the home page

Policy Area Banner Ads

  • Redirect Link: The ads are clickable so please provide the desired URL
  • File Format: png or jpg
  • Size: 640w x 160h
  • Policy Areas (15): Policy areas will be reserved on a first come, first served basis. Only one ad/sponsor per area.
  • Misc. Notes:
    • Ensure any text is legible when the image is viewed at half of its size (zoom out so the image is only 50% of its size - can you still read all the text?)
    • Avoid gradients so the graphic can blend into the background color of the ad space. You can pick that color on image upload for each graphic.




APPAM is finalizing the 2024 decorator so exhibit hall floorplan and important dates will be made available in late spring. Please check back soon! Below are important dates for exhibitors:

  • Late August - Booth selection begins, Platinum & Gold sponsors select first then open to all on a first come, first served basis. Details will be shared by Samantha in early summer

  • TBD - Freight window opens, if you're sending materials to the decorator's warehouse

  • TBD - Early order discount deadline ends, if you're ordering additional furnishings

  • TBD - Freight window closes, if you're sending materials to the decorator's warehouse

Sponsorship Questions?

Email Michelle Mears at
