This keynote panel shall question and examine the effectiveness of the migration (including forced migration) policies we see in place around the world today - drawing upon examples from the United Kingdom, China, the United States, and the European Union. Within these contexts, the panelists will interrogate the real versus illusory aims and procedures of migration policies. Moreover, the panelists will discuss what it means for a migration policy to be “successful” and how such success can be defined, measured, and compared across time and place.
Michaella Vanore is a research fellow at the Maastricht Graduate School of Governance, where she has worked for the past six years as a researcher and lecturer on migration and development. In the course of her work at the School of Governance, she has worked on projects commissioned and funded by the European Commission, IOM, ICMPD, Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, OxfamNovib, UNICEF (Iran, Kazakhstan, Moldova), UNDEF, and Dutch entrepreneurial development bank (FMO). She has addressed topics such as defining and analyzing poverty among migrant children, assessing the consequences of family-member migration for children and the elderly who remain in the home country, diaspora engagement and contributions in conflict and post-conflict settings, and remittances.
Lukas Gehrke is Director for Policy, Research and Strategy at the International Centre for MigrationPolicy Development (ICMPD) since 2017, where he is responsible for ICMPD’s migration policy program, research and strategy development, knowledge management as well as External Relations. He is in charge of ICMPD’s expertise development and knowledge management; moreover, he holds responsibility for strategy and policy analysis in all areas of migration, migration management and governance questions, migration and development, legal migration, asylum and protection as well as border management, irregular migration, migrant smuggling and trafficking, as well as social cohesion and integration.

Khalid Koser is Executive Director of the Global Community Engagement and Resilience Fund (GCERF) and Associate Fellow at GCSP. He is also Non-Resident Senior Fellow in Foreign Policy Studies at the Brookings Institution, Associate Fellow at Chatham House, Research Associate at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva, Non-Resident Fellow at the Lowy Institute in Sydney and extraordinary Professor in Conflict, Peace and Security in the Faculty of Humanities and Sciences at the University of Maastricht. He is chair of the World Economic Forum Global Agenda Council on Migration and KNOMAD Thematic Working Group 6 on Migration, Security and Development and the editor of the Journal of Refugee Studies. He is a Member of the Order of the British Empire (MBE).

Alice Szczepanikova is a policy analyst in the Foresight, Behavioural Insights and Design for Policy unit of the Joint Research Centre (EU Policy Lab). She is leading a project on the future of migration in Europe. Her previous work in the Lab focused on collaborative economy and the future of work. She is particularly interested in experimenting with new ways of engaging with diverse stakeholders and in devising innovative approaches to making evidence relevant for policy-making. Alice holds a PhD in Sociology (University of Warwick) and an MPhil in Gender Studies (Central European University).
Ronald Skeldon is a Professor Emeritus in the Department of Geography at the School of Global Studies at the University of Sussex and is a Professorial Fellow in Human Geography at UNU-MERIT/MGSoG. In addition to this, Prof. Skeldon works as a consultant to international organizations, including the International Organization for Migration (IOM), the United Nations Population Division (UNDP), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the International Labour Organization (ILO), the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the Social Science Research Council (SSRC) in New York.
Friday, July 14, 2017
Plenary Session: Sustainable Development Goal 1 - End Poverty in All its Forms Everywhere
4:00 - 5:30PM
Location: Palace Ballroom I
The plenary session will explore to what extent social protection policies can contribute to achieving Sustainable Development Goal 1 – to End Poverty in all its Forms Everywhere. Are Social Protection policies the most effective and efficient instruments for SDG1, or are other policy options better suited? Does the design matter? What are the choices and implications of using means tested support versus basic income provisions in poverty alleviation or elimination? Do we see sufficient political will at the national and global level to encourage action, and if not, how can it be created? What do we consider the role of NGOs/ supranational institutions to support change?
Franziska Gassmann is Professor Poverty and Social Protection at Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Science, and Professorial Fellow/Senior Researcher at UNU-Merit/MGSOG. She leads the research theme on Poverty, Public Policy and Inclusive Innovation. Her own research studies social protection policies and the measurement of poverty and vulnerability using primarily empirical methods on the basis of large household surveys. Dr. Gassmann has 20 years of experience as consultant and adviser to Governments and international organizations on social policy issues in Central and Eastern Europe, countries of former Yugoslavia, the Caucasus, Central Asia and South-East Asia.
Armando Barrientos is Professor of Poverty and Social Justice at the Global Development Institute. He is also co-Director of the International Research Initiative on Brazil and Africa. Before joining BWPI in 2007, he was Research Fellow at the Institute of Development Studies at the University of Sussex and Senior Lecturer in Public Economics and Development at the Institute of Development Policy and Management at Manchester. He has acted as an adviser to the ILO, the World Bank, DFID, UNRISD, IADB, WIEGO, UN-DESA, UNICEF, and the Caribbean Development Bank.
Gaspar Fajth is Regional Adviser, Social Policy and Economic Analysis, at UNICEF’s East Asia and Pacific Office in Bangkok. Previously he worked with UNICEF in Eastern and Southern Africa, at Headquarters in New York as well as the Innocenti Research Centre in Florence. He joined UNICEF’s regional office in Bangkok in 2014 to promote social protection and resilience for all children East Asia and Pacific through enhanced national planning, resourcing, implementation, monitoring and reporting of social programmes. Mr Fajth is an author and co-author of several books and publications on child poverty, social protection and human development in developing and OECD countries.
Jo Ritzen is professorial fellow of International Economics of Science, Technology and Higher Education at the UNU Maastricht Economic and Social Research Institute on Innovation and Technology (UNU-MERIT) and Maastricht Graduate School of Governance. He was previously Dutch Minister for Education and Science, then President of Maastricht University, and is now the driving force behind ‘Empower European Universities’ (EEU), an NGO which aims to ramp up innovation and internationalization at universities and research institutes across Europe.