Calendar & Events


WEBINAR: Responsible Data Science for Positive Social Solutions and Impact

02:00 PM - 03:30 PM

Data science, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning are hot topics, simultaneously generating both excitement and fear, for United States citizens and beyond.

Data science, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning are hot topics, simultaneously generating both excitement and fear, for United States citizens and beyond. The Academic Data Science Alliance (ASDA) and APPAM’s Data Science Community (DSC) designed this webinar to expand examples of how data science can and should be used to improve identification and implementation of public policy problems for social good. ASDA and the APPAM DSC aim for attendees of this webinar to leave with a better understanding of the ethical, institutional, and legal challenges associated with collecting, combining, and analyzing data from disparate sources to inform and guide policymaking. Similarly, the webinar aims to provide best practices in training students and practitioners across broad domains of data science at the intersection of public policy to be responsible data stewards who improve the design, implementation, and outcomes of critical solutions for society.

