Calendar & Events


Webinar: The Future for Data Access

02:00 PM - 03:30 PM

Join us for this critical discussion.


Tuesday, March 4, 2:00-3:30 PM ET

Speakers: Jed Kolko (Former Undersecretary for Economic Affairs at the Department of Commerce), Amy O’Hara (Director, Georgetown Federal Statistical Research Data Center), Steve Pierson (Director of Science Policy, American Statistical Association)

Moderator: Erica L. Groshen (Senior Economic Advisor, Cornell ILR School and Former Commissioner of the US Bureau of Labor Statistics)

This webinar, the second hosted by APPAM about changes in the federal government, focuses on data access and what researchers who rely on federal datasets for their work might expect in the future from the Trump administration. The webinar will explore the availability of data on agency websites, access to confidential data, interaction with agency staff, and data continuity and quality. Panelists will assess what has changed and where efforts to get answers from the administration stand. The panel will also discuss the next steps in the pursuit against missing public information that underpins the research all our members engage in. Time will be reserved for audience questions. This webinar is free and open to all.

