APPAM Membership is more than attending a conference.
It's a highly-experienced network of academics, researchers, practitioners, and students.
It's being on the cutting edge of policy analysis and management topics that affect everyone engaged with research.
It's a community dedicated to improving public policy and management by fostering excellence in the field.

Student Membership Benefits

Join the fast-growing cohort of student members at APPAM! APPAM student membership provides opportunities for professional development, mentoring, career advice and resources, networking opportunities, a community and much more. APPAM student membership is for all college students including undergraduate, masters and graduate students. Post-doctoral individuals must join APPAM as a Professional Member. View the benefits below for more information on resources, ways to save, services and student member recognition opportunities!
Masters and PhD Membership: $40/year
NEW! Undergraduate Membership: $25/year

Professional Development
Registration Discounts: Enjoy discounted rates for both pre-conference workshops and APPAM conferences including the Annual Fall Research Conference and other events throughout the year.
APPAM Career Connections: The recently-updated APPAM Career Connections boasts a clean look with updated features for the best experience for job seekers and employers alike. Career Connections hosts only relevant resumes and job postings, making the process less saturated and easier to find both jobs and employees. As a member, you'll be able to upload your resume for institutions and employers to see.
Mentor Matching Program: Student Members are eligible to participate in the Mentor Matching Program. This program matches student members with professional members to connect one-on-one regarding professional development topics. In-person meet-ups are hosted at the Annual Fall Research Conference and there are various virtual meet-ups hosted throughout the year. Mentors and mentees are encouraged to check-in at least once per quarter.
Webinars: All members have access to our library of professional development and public policy research webinars. Topics include tips for presenting at academic conferences, interview prep, faculty position negotiation, and deep-dives on timely policy research.
Student Programming: APPAM hosts student resource and student research sessions at the Fall Research Conference. Student resource sessions are designed by the Student Advisory Committee (SAC) and focus on professional development. Student research sessions are student research papers that were accepted and formed into panels by the Program Committee.
The conference also offers onsite interview opportunities and a Career & PhD Program Fair. Additionally, APPAM offers a virtual Professional Development Series each summer that focuses on navigating the job market, career development, and more.

Equity & Inclusion Fellowship: Student members from traditionally underrepresented backgrounds are eligible for this fellowship which covers the travel and participation costs at the Annual Fall Research Conference. Recipients have the opportunity to formally network with each other and with members of the Policy Council and Diversity Committee. Both undergraduate and graduate cohorts are offered for students.
APPAM Communities: Participate in one of our five APPAM Communities. These groups meet virtually and in-person based on an element or idea such as religion, research type, geography and more. These Communities provide invaluable opportunity for connection and guidance from seasoned APPAM members. Additionally, APPAM members have the opportunity to submit a proposal for new communities.
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management (JPAM): Members receive a complimentary subscription to JPAM. This includes digital access to JPAM Online with additional search and advanced article release features.
Volunteer Positions: Stay engaged and make a difference with APPAM! With so many high-quality proposals to review, committees to oversee, and expert content to deliver, we rely on help from our community to keep our conferences and content top-notch and running smoothly.
E-Lists: APPAM strives to provide members with access to a broad collection of tools, content, practical resources, and a smart and vibrant community of peers via the E-List Member Forum Communities. These groups serve as a platform to solicit the advice of your peers, benefit from their experience, and participate in ongoing conversations.
Membership Directory: This members-only institutional and individual member database allows you to search for colleagues based on location, research topic, and member type. Did you meet someone at the last conference you attended? Many members build future research collaborations by connecting via the directory.
Membership Dues and How to Join
APPAM bills individuals for their annual dues renewals on a monthly basis. Members receive a request to renew their membership three months before scheduled expiration. For example, if you join APPAM in March, you will receive your first renewal request the following January.
Masters and PhD Membership: $40/year
NEW! Undergraduate Membership: $25/year
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